Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Firebot Day 3

This day was mostly spent on that flame sensor. The line sensor and sonar were pretty reliable.

I noticed that the bot was going after reflections of the flame on the walls of the maze, so I decided to make the flame finding code a bit less primitive.
This scanning code looks for the brightest light values and lowest light values. It also records the encoder values each time it finds a new brightest value. This way, it knows exactly where to turn to in order to face the brightest point found.

bool scanRightForFlame(){ // turn right 180 degrees.
//Initialize variables
int dimmestLight = SensorValue[flameSensor];
int brightestLight = dimmestLight;
int brightestLightAngle = 0;

         // TURN_SCAN is a constant for how much the bot turns while it scans
while(SensorValue[leftEncoder]<TURN_SCAN || SensorValue[rightEncoder]<TURN_SCAN){
//keep turning right
motor[leftMotor] = MED_LEFT_SPEED;
}else{motor[leftMotor] = 0;}
motor[rightMotor] = -MED_RIGHT_SPEED;
}else{motor[rightMotor] = 0;}
  //record values while turning
int currentLight = SensorValue[flameSensor];
if(currentLight < dimmestLight){
dimmestLight = currentLight;
if(currentLight > brightestLight){
brightestLight = currentLight;
brightestLightAngle = (SensorValue[leftEncoder]+SensorValue[rightEncoder])/2; //Average of two encoders
if((brightestLight-dimmestLight) > FLAME_TOLERANCE){ 
// Significant difference between light values
// turn back to face flame
int turnBack = TURN_SCAN-brightestLightAngle+7;
while(SensorValue[leftEncoder]<turnBack || SensorValue[rightEncoder]<turnBack){
motor[leftMotor] = -MED_LEFT_SPEED;
}else{motor[leftMotor] = 0;}
motor[rightMotor] = MED_RIGHT_SPEED;
}else{motor[rightMotor] = 0;}
return true;
else{ // Flame not found
  return false;}

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